In an effort to force us to completely finish the wool house, Punkin's Patch has decided to have an open house. And because we missed seeing Flat Creek Wool and Pottery at the wool festival (and getting all our Christmas shopping out of the way in one fell swoop ;-) we are making Tonya come set up a trunk show for
We can't wait for our Ewenice to meet her Ewenice (the character on her mugs, yarn bowls, vases, bowls...).
Not only will Miss Ewenice be there - she loves a good party - but so will Ewen McTeagle, Buddy, Boudreaux, Woolliam, Petunia, Keebler, Graham Lamb, Iris, Weaslie and even Hank. I doubt we'll see much of Claire Bear and Eli, but you can be sure that Brushy and Comby will come looking for some attention...and snacks.
So bring your spinning wheel, your knitting, rug hooking, felting...or just your good company. The festivities will run from 1:00 to 4:00 on Saturday, November 7th. Please drop the crazy sheep lady an email to get directions to the farm.
hello, found your blog as a result of searching for wool roving and batts here in kentucky...can you recommend places to purchase a good selection of roving/batts/locks. i'm in louisville. thanks!